Please note that the conference will have on-site attendance only.
Oral presentation guidelines
- Only PowerPoint and PDF formats are supported.
- The presentation should be prepared as a single file to run on a Windows OS PC.
- Files should be saved in regular PowerPoint Presentation file (.pptx). PowerPoint Show (.ppsx) files and macro-enabled files (.pptm or .ppsm) are not accepted. Check your presentation prior to your session. Make sure all fonts, images, and animations appear as expected. The technical team will be at your disposal to help you at the registration desk.
- Arrive at your session 30 minutes before the beginning of the session (NOT your presentation). Meet the session moderator. Become familiar with the room and with the operation of the ‘forward’ button for your PowerPoint presentation. You will advance your own slides.
Alternatively, you can email your presentation(s) to seedorchardsconference2024@gmail.com!
For files larger than 25MB, we recommend WeTransfer.com
Abstract submission has been closed on April 12th, 2024.
We welcomed multiple abstracts, but only one has been considered for oral presentation!
The registration was closed on April 22nd, 2024.
Thank you all for your submissions!
Poster format
The posters should be in standard A0 format (841mm x 1189mm), portrait orientation.
Registration fees
The registration fee includes lunches, the conference dinner, and excursions.

*Students must provide a photocopy of valid student cards or equivalent documents by sending an e-mail to seedorchardsconference2024@gmail.com
International Bank Details
Please note that the registration fee does not include the transfer charges, which the participant should pay.
Bank name: BRD Voluntari
Bank address: 77 Eroilor Blvd, Voluntari, Ilfov, Romania
Account holder: INCDS Marin Dracea
IBAN: RO02 BRDE 426S V658 3011 4450
Reference: IUFRO2024 _Name_Surname
Participants from Romania could pay the registration fee in RON, at the exchange rate from the respective day. The national bank details are the following:
Bank name: BRD Voluntari
Bank address: 77 Eroilor Blvd, Voluntari, Ilfov, Romania
Account holder: INCDS Marin Dracea
IBAN: RO24 BRDE 426S V588 7574 4450
Reference: IUFRO2024 _Name_Surname
For the invoice, please email seedorchardsconference2024@gmail.com with the payment confirmation and the necessary details.